The Needs and Wants Song
Tune: Oh Christmas Tree
Song and idea found here:
Mrs. Senk shares many more great ideas so check out her website!

Oh, needs and wants,
Oh, needs and wants,
We can’t have all the things we want.
We really want
A lot of stuff,
But sometimes there’s just not enough.
Oh, needs and wants,
Oh, needs and wants,
We can’t have all the things we want.

Before singing:
Introduce the topic of needs and wants by asking children why people have jobs or why they work. It usually takes a few answers before someone comes up with the idea that people work to earn money to buy things for their families.

Discuss how every family has to make choices about how they spend their money. List things we need to have to be healthy and safe such as, food, clothes, a home, a bed, etc. Then we also say that most people do NOT have enough money to buy everything they would like to have; but don’t really need.

An activity: Pass out magazine pictures that are precut and sort them by needs or wants. (milk, shirt, shoes, bread = needs; doll, bike, candy = wants) You can also have the children find pictures that depict needs or wants in magazines by themselves.

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