Letter Nn

Activities   Songs and Poems   Sing Along Song 1 or 2

Did you ever wonder how to fold a napkin?

The letter-sound association we are studying this week is "N n" as in "November night." Here are some activities you can do at home to supplement our school activities.

1. Listening: Which words in these sentences begin like the word "night?"
a. We need a new car.
b. A rabbit's nose wrinkles when he nibbles lettuce.
c. Ned is Mr. Newman's nephew.
d. Nick has a navy blue necktie.
e. My name is never in the newspaper.
f. Norman sent a note to Nancy.

2. Touch your "nose" when you hear a word that begins like "nuts."

nest, paint, noise, nap, napkin, brown, not, new, knife, next, nation, needle, corn, newt, noon, tennis, knob, jump, number, Niagara Falls, Navy, net, November, pin, nail, nice, box, neck, newspaper, none, lamp

3. Thinking: Tell what is wrong with the following sentences.

a. Nora ate noodle soup with a fork.
b. Nellie was hammering a nail with a net.
c. Nan can knit with a knife.
d. Nonny Nanny Goat nibbles nickels growing on the bush.
e. No babies take naps.

4. Play a Word Guessing game:
All the words you will guess will begin like "not."

a. I can sniff with my _________. (nose)
b. The sun shines in the daytime and the moon shines at _______. (night)
c. A person who helps the doctor take care of people is called a ____. (nurse)
d. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are ________. (numbers)
e. What number comes after eight? _______ (nine)

5. Look through magazines to find pictures of things beginning like "November night." Glue them to a piece of paper and have your child label the pictures using invented spelling. It may help if an adult says each word clearly, then has the child repeat the word. Say the word a few times so your child can listen to each of the sounds at the beginning, middle and end. Your child should guess how the word is spelled and write the letters under each picture.

6. Show your child how to make "N n" this way:

N = Make a straight line from top to bottom then make another line from top to bottom next to it. Go to the top of the line on the left and make a "sliding board" to the bottom of the other line.

n = make a line from top to bottom trace back up the line and go around then to the bottom.

Songs and Poems

The Name Game - Song
(from the 1960's)

Shirley Shirley Bo Birley
Banana Fanna Fo Firley
Fe Fi Mo Mirley


Letter Nn Sound - Song
Tune: Sing a Song of Sixpence

Naughty Nick is noisy, banging all around.
But he's not a bad boy when he makes his sound.
Listen can you hear him, "Nnnn...." he says all day.
Even when he's banging nails that's what you'll hear him say.


Nails - Fingerplay

I use my hammer and five nails.
(Show 5 fingers.)
"That's too noisy," my neighbor yells!
(Raise voice.)
I'll hammer them now before it's night!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(Pretend to hammer.)
And to my neighbor I'll be polite!


I Am Learning Letter Nn - Song
Tune: London Bridge
Sing Along to this song

I am learning letter Nn,
Letter Nn, letter Nn.
I am learning letter Nn
Nn, Nn, Nn, Nn. (make sound of Nn)
Numbers start with letter Nn. (point to numbers in the room)
Letter Nn, letter Nn.
Numbers start with letter Nn.
Nn, Nn, Nn, Nn. (make sound of Nn)
Noses start with letter Nn... (point to your nose)
Nuts begin with letter Nn...
Nicky starts with letter Nn (or substitute any child with an Nn first name or last name and point to child)

(Children can add verses as they think of them.)


Ten Little Nn's - Song
Tune: Ten Little Indians
One little, two little, three little Nn's
Four little, five little, six little Nn's
Seven little, eight little, nine little Nn's
Ten little Nn's in the nest.

One little, two little, three little noodles
Four little, five little, six little noodles
Seven little, eight little, nine little noodles
Ten little noodles in the nest.

(The children can help add more verses.)
One little, two little, three little napkins...
One little, two little, three little nickels...

Repeat :
One little, two little, three little Nn's
Four little, five little, six little Nn's
Seven little, eight little, nine little Nn's
Ten little Nn's in the nest.


The Nn Song
Tune: Skip To My Lou

N's in the nest now, what'll I do?
(Make a nest with hands.)
N's in the nest now, what'll I do?
N's in the nest now, what'll I do?
I'll go (sound of Nn) for N now.

Nail the N's, that's what I'll do.
(Pretend to pound a nail.)
Nail the N's, that's what I'll do.
Nail the N's, that's what I'll do.
I'll go Nn for N now.

Needle the N's, that's what I'll do.
(Pretend to sew.)
Needle the N's, that's whatl I'll do.
Needle the N's, that's what I'll do.
I'll go Nn for N now.

Net the N's, that's what I'll do.
(Pretend to catch something in a net.)
Net the N's, that's what I'll do.
Net the N's, that's what I'll do.
I'll go Nn for N now.

(The children can help add other verses.)


The Nut Trees - Song
Tune: Frere Jacques

See the nut trees,
See the nut trees,
Growing here,
Growing there,
Hazelnuts and walnuts,
Almonds and pecans,
Everywhere, everywhere.

I buy a bag of assorted nuts to pass around to the children when I introduce the song. Please alert your child's teacher if your child is allergic to nuts! I label each type of nut with a word card and put the containers in our display area. As an activity, the children can match the nuts with the word cards.


November Chant
(Clap on X.)

N-o-vem-b-e-r, X N-o-vem-b-e-r X
Thirty days XX Thirty nights XX
Holidays XX Now in sight XX

N-o-vem-b-e-r X N-o-vem-b-e-r X
Colder days, wind and rain,
Turkeys strutting down the lane.

N-o-vem-b-e-r X N-o-vem-b-e-r X
Football games and lots of fun.
Thanksgiving Day is soon to come.


Mrs. Jones' Class    Letter of the Week