Letter Cc

Activities   Songs and Poems   Sing Along Song 1 and 2

Letter Cc Activities

The letter-sound association we are studying this week is "C c" as in "coffee cup." (We will not be studying the soft "C c" sound as in the word "cereal" or the "ch" sound as in the word "chocolate" this week.) Here are some activities your child can do at home to supplement our school activities.

1. Letter Recognition: Find words beginning with "C c" in a newspaper or a magazine. Have your child cut out and glue them on a piece of paper. Next, have your child look for and cut out pictures of objects with names beginning with the "C c" sound. He/She should glue them to the paper. If your child is interested, have him/her guess how to spell each picture’ name and write his/her letter guesses under each picture.

2. Listening: Which words in these sentences begin with the "C c" sound?
a. Cats can climb trees.
b. Color the camel brown.
c. Could you carry a car?
d. Do you like corn on the cob?
e. Too much candy can give you cavities.

3. Listen to the three words in these groups and tell which two begin with the same sound. Another day ask which word begins with a different sound.

cat, cook, tire      Carol, Bob, Cathy      dip, cover, cold     cough, cut, wall
count, table, class      nuts, cart, cake      cab, catch, paper      curl, gift, cap

4. Listening-Thinking Game: I will read some words that begin with "C c" as in "coffee cup." Put your hand up when you hear something to eat. Then say the word.

corn     cat     cabbage     cookie     color     cake     candy     cousin     carrot     cup     cupcake     calendar

5. Word-Guessing Game: All the words that you will guess begin with the sound of "C c" at the beginning as in "coffee cup."

a. The animal that gives us milk is a _______. (cow)
b. Green, red, blue, purple and orange are _______. (colors)
c. What is orange and is a vegetable Bugs Bunny likes to eat? _____ (carrot)
d. You wear this when you go outside in winter _______. (coat)
e. The thing you drink from that has a handle is a ______. (cup)

6. Show your child how to make "C c" this way:

Start at the top and curve to the left and go to the bottom line.

Songs and Poems

The Cc Song
Tune: Skip to my Lou
Click here to sing along to music.

Carrots, castles, candy canes,
Cucumbers and clouds with rain.
Cats and cookies, crayons too.
I think C is cool. Don't you?


Cc Is Coming 'Round the Corner
Tune: She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain
Sing Along to this Song!

Cc is coming 'round the corner.
(Make a C with your left hand and move it from your side to in front of you.)
Cc - Cc - Cc
(Make a hard Cc that sounds like the Kk sound three times.)
Cc is coming 'round the corner.
Cc - Cc - Cc
Cc is coming 'round the corner.
Cc is coming 'round the corner.
Cc is coming 'round the corner.
Cc - Cc - Cc

Cc is flying in the clouds.
(Make a C with your left hand and move it up in the air from left to right.)
Cc - Cc - Cc
Cc is flying in the clouds.
Cc - Cc - Cc
Cc is flying in the clouds.
Cc is flying in the clouds.
Cc is flying in the clouds.
Cc - Cc - Cc

Cc is coming eating carrots.
(Pretend to hold a carrot to your mouth and chew on it.)
Cc - Cc - Cc
Cc is coming eating carrots.
Cc - Cc - Cc
Cc is coming eating carrots.
Cc is coming eating carrots.
Cc is coming eating carrots.
Cc - Cc - Cc

Cc is coming with a camera.
(Pretend to hold a camera up to your face and press the button.)
Cc - Cc - Cc
Cc is coming with a camera.
Cc - Cc - Cc
Cc is coming with a camera.
Cc is coming with a camera.
Cc is coming with a camera.
Cc - Cc - Cc

Cc is coming eating corn.
(Pretend to hold an ear of corn to your face and eat a row.)
Cc - Cc - Cc
Cc is coming eating corn.
Cc - Cc - Cc
Cc is coming eating corn.
Cc is coming eating corn.
Cc is coming eating corn.
Cc - Cc - Cc

Can you guess more Cc words to add to the song?


Tongue Twisters - Ask your child to repeat after you.
*Corey can carry Carl's coat.
*Connie colors and cuts cloth.
*Carla cleans closets.
*Calico cat caught Calvin.
*Clarence clown cuts costumes.


Now ask your child to add one or more "c" words to the following to make tongue twisters:
*Cassie cooks _______.
*Clifford counts _______.
*Carl caught _______.
*Cliff climbs _______.


I'm a Little Cat - Poem
I'm a little cat,
Soft and furry.
I'll be your friend,
So don't you worry.
Right up on your lap I like to hop.
I'll purr, purr, purr and never stop.


I'm a Cook - Poem

I'm a cook.
I'm a cook.
See me look in my book.
First I'll decide what I should make,
Maybe some cookies I will bake,
Or if it's your birthday,
I'll bake you a cake.
I'm a cook.


Hard C and Soft C
/k/ and /s/
Tune: The Wheels on the Bus
From Phonics Fun K-1 by Carson Dellosa

Sometimes the c says, "S"S"S"-"S""S"S"-"S"S"S".
Sometime the c says, "S" "S" "S" I'll tell you why!
If after the c you see an i,
Or an e or a y,
They all make the c say, "s" "s" "s"
You give it a try.
C is soft in cent and cell, cent and cell, cent and cell,
C is soft in cent and cell, And now you know why!

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